Nov -0001

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  • farstar

    Отличное начало чего?

  • Drey

    для роста и движения вперед. в этой самой работе, да и вообще в жизни.

  • Drey

    И только полсотни дней спустя попробовал пинч-зум и радовался ему как ребенок)

  • Artem

    Seven eleven rules 🙂

  • Artem

    Pancakes, more pictures, more pictures! (kitten, Park!)

  • drey

    Yes, Sir! see. new post!

  • drey

    Everytime, Yes!

  • KS

    class! cottage for 10, and there is one room for 13!) and is it far to the coast from the dwelling of your new and even pictures of him and demand

    • drey

      Yes-Yes, It is, This difference in price is very good!
      This is not the limit, after another try in the surrounding area, ot″edem away from civilization. Now back to the shore 8 minutes of the bike (walk don't walk, but the minutes for the 25-30 You can), and to the Centre of public life (Surf school, great shops) just a half-hour's drive.
      Photos later, – Once all do. In the morning, If you do not sleep, then we go into the city for classes or even where, We arrive after 19 – already dark.

  • ksenia oojh

    but I was thinking just the other day where you're gone there

  • Artem

    You have not written, as his camera monkey worried :)))

    • drey

      Oh well you, these animals has surely seen enough on every kind of camera and not only, they live in the forest, Bali tourism! =)

  • Artem

    Will go back there again? 🙂

  • Artem

    So where did these pictures were!

  • drey

    Why are you so surprised? We like, Cacti party crawl
    будем 😉

  • Artem

    Super! The building is simply unreal, которое с кораблем 🙂

  • Artem

    Вы таблички просто обожаете 🙂

  • drey

    So who doesn't like them?! =)

  • Artem

    As originally! Envy )

  • ksenia oojh

    aeeeee) Thanks Bro! the kru′oe scuba congratulation! the coming year promises to be supernasyŝennym, Besides taking the day tickets, presumably with 9 January until 3 February will you!)

    • drey

      Just peachy, whole month! Not many can afford such! We prepare all conditions for you, come!

  • Artem

    With clothes you always adventures! )

  • drey

    =) This what we always with clothes adventures?

  • ksenia oojh

    Ууууу) you need to go there!

  • ksenia oojh

    Immediately evident as Nusa Dua differs, however as is green and chishte

    • drey

      Yes, this area is very touristic, there are plenty of hotels, local selling, there is almost, there are free public showers on the beach. And every second Russian there we feel.

  • Artem

    To be honest, gravely watching)

  • ksenia oojh

    By the end of the second minute brain adjusts and glues the image dorisovyvaâ missing and how even and you feel as if you immerse you go there

  • Artem

    With respect to your bike! And remember, as I sat down to some guy? 🙂

  • Artem

    Wolf mowed our ranks. Ксюша тоже заразилась 🙂

  • Artem


    • To the first “toll free” in comparison with the second claim almost no. But the second you have not seen, so can't judge objectively, think.

  • YT

    TOKE café was on the hunt, but after you can sing!

  • Artem

    Yes I have the same with this type then and talked)) All just saying ))

    • drey

      Only you have the camera was not hidden.
      I knew, This will refresh your memories =)

  • Good journey, the coolest pictures.
    But on that shot under water? for gouproški took the box from normal lens?

    • drey

      Yes, a couple little nerd friends that front flat lens ordered and put it on one of the boxes. Thank you!

  • And properly done =) the priests of the temple are very fond of money breeding.

  • Nice rack! But the video did?
    From sweating I breakthrough Board, While looking forward to wave, to keep light and camera was in cool water, a breakthrough at the right time, went and Grebe, on the way including recording. But all the same then misted and turn again five minutes. Sweat.

    or else it is necessary to buy Antifog insert. sell in Kuta in DIVING store.

    • drey

      Did, a lot of raw, mounted once, come here and loans.
      At the site of nowhere found these inserts, ordered to ebee, little help, but after half an hour the tropical sun still top picks. Like surf on a cloudy day so. =)
      Flip it every time, The final yield, but the waves more often than once every five minutes there, so I preferred to frequent attempts.

    • drey

      Assembled with artificial waves in Malaysia, tomorrow will put in this blog.

  • Cool!!! =) A plaque on the departure will sell or take with you on the Baikal?
    How much cost rent house?

    I too liked the more rest skupi, so all three months on it and drove. Only on bright red ))

    • drey

      Already sold, bought a smaller one and going to carry with you.
      House per month is about 8000r.