Oct 2012

Uluwatu Temple

First, We came to mind to visit – This temple on high steep rock in Uluwatu. From there, promise good views.

On the way to depict another statue of Garuda carrying Vishnu. Finished this time:

Came, paid, got a belt-skip, remove all, that can attract primates in backpacks and went.
At the entrance there were several monkeys go about their business, beating them we went to the edge. За несколько метров до него повеяло прохладой и мы, перевесившись через перила начали глазеть на прибой, разбивающийся в десятках метров под нами.

Справа храм:

But we have fun povoskhischatsya miraculous wonders, so we went to the left, where you can admire the surf below us with a few more points.
Go to these lookouts were terribly hot (whether the day was hotter than others, or simply the sun was baking, and there was no wind).

View of the same church with a viewing point:

Looked down enchanted beauty:

TOPIC nashel Nest:

Having examined all the next interesting and footpaths, we headed back, look the same on the temple.

Come to Him, we were surprised at the number of local folk in white robes,

that as part of the procession went to the temple:

Skip the, we went around the temple, up on the other side and seeing where all were – at the top there is a small playground with a Balinese style gate, for which no one is allowed in the form of people:

That there – it is not clear.

Went right:

Всё обойдя и основательно изжарившись на солнце мы отправились дальше по берегу и в нескольких минутахнашли пляж Улувату, input on which is carved into the rock on the stairs between the huge boulders:

But the beach itself is replete with a variety of plants, organisms and forms the rocks:

В небольших углублениях скапливается и нагревается спокойная вода, в которой можно здорово отдохнуть (лучше бассейна):

Кроме людей в этих угулублениях полно живности:


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